Every couple weeks I kept seeing a familier face in the pages of the Coastal Fisherman and Sue Foster's Fishing Report, Mr. Dan Mattio. I thought it was time to learn from someone who tends to catch some big fish and see how it is done. He took me out on his 20 ft. pontoon and we headed to Harbor Island. He showed me how he rigs up his rods and the patience it takes to catch the big one. It wasn't long before he felt something on his line and told me to hold it so I got a sense of what a flounder felt like. He then had me let out some line and count to 25, then if it was still on I was to set the hook. After the long count I set the hook and it started taking out drag this was one of two big fish for the day. A little later I laid into a 19 inch flattie. It was a great day that was topped with Mr. Dan fileting up the two fish and me frying them up for dinner. It made for a great day and a great meal. To see our picture in the Oyster Bay gallery click here http://gallery.oysterbaytackle.com/main.php?g2_itemId=91