27 inch 8 lb rock fish on a 3/4 oz rattle trap
Type: Chesapeake
Region: Northern
Location: Susquehanna Flats
Tags: Striped Bass, Rat'L trap, Susquehanna Flatts
Went out Saturday morning with my uncle, Parke John. We fished the east side of the flats drifting from Rodney, south along the grass bed. The tide was high so we were able to move in west over some of the bottom grass and still keep the lures from getting caught on grass. I caught this 27 inch 8 lb rock fish on a 3/4 oz rattle trap, chrome with blue top, quick retrieve. My uncle had a nice 19 inch. Both fish very fat. After cleaning mine it cut open the stomach and there were already two fish inside the size of my 3/4 oz lure. How much does a rock fish eat this time of year?
Also, at one point we moved over the center of the flats since the tide was high. The water was as clear as out of the tap. You could see 8 feet down to the bottom which was of course covered with beautiful different types of grasses and some open spaces. It was nice to see the bay looking so good and hope it continues to improve.