
Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hanging on the Tube

One of the most enjoyable afternoons on the water was spent with our friends and kids just playing around. We had the kids with Chris, Claire and Cailee and Paul and Sara aboard as we headed for our favorite cove to meet up with Tony and Diana and their family. Tony waved us in like a air traffic control man. We beached the boat and we all got out while the kids splashed around on the tube and played in the sand. We decided to make it a picnic with some grilled dogs and sausage. Then it was out on the tube as Claire and Noah and Sara and Cailee took turns hanging on. Chris even took a spin as I tried to shake him off into the water. We even took some time to just jump in and swim around in the refreshing water. What a wonderful afternoon to be surrounded by such good friends!

Rock Pile

The MSSA Perry Hall Chapter took off for a charter down to the Bay Bridge piers.
Here are some pictures of our bounty.

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July 4th week

July 4th week in OC was a fun one. Fishing was pretty good as we got into many flounder during the week. Sharon and Gary had to fight over this one as they both pulled this fat 16 1/2 incher in with both of their baits and lines it it's mouth. Can't say that I have ever seen it before. Both of Sharon's baits were in the fish's mouth along with one of Gary's. It seemed that Pink Gulp was pretty hot along with the white.

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