It was a cool Sunday afternoon on October 19th, the last chance to get the boat out before she went into hibernation in the winter. Captain Gary and I took the boat out despite the fact that the heavens were open and the rain was flowin' while the cold and wind were blowin'. We tried our luck by the RT. 50 bridge with not much of a bite so decided to venture out towards the inlet. It wasn't long until Captain Gary had a reel fight on his hands, I got the net and yelled "Shark" as he pulled in the adolescent sand shark. No it wasn't jaws but it was a fun fight pulling in the first shark on the "Happy Ours." As we drifted through the inlet, 3 dolphin dorsal fins popped up about 75 yards away. We drove closer stealthily as we tried not to disturb them. We got a little closer and got quite a show as they popped up all around us like wac a' moles, about 30 to 40 yards off. Peop

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